Tuesday, October 16, 2012

If I were called on at the town hall...

If I were at the town hall, this is the question I would ask of President Obama:

Mr. President, your predecessor handed to you the keys to the most powerful executive branch in the history of this country, as evidenced by warrant-less surveillance of even American citizens, indefinite detention without due process, indiscriminate killing of civilians with drone strikes, overbroad executive orders, and extraordinary rendition. To your credit, you ended torture and attempted to close Gitmo.

Instead of ending or restraining those extraordinary powers, you've expanded them, including an illegal use of military force in Libya, and an unconstitutional "kill list" that can apparently include US citizens. If you
are elected to a 2nd term, how would you return balance to your branch of government? Mr. Romney, if you win, how would you restore balance to the executive branch?

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